Make the Most of Your Health Benefits Plan
To solve your biggest challenges, we dig deep into our exclusive member data. We apply research, trend analysis and the unique perspectives of our experts to uncover insights and reveal new opportunities that deliver greater value.
As part of the most innovative pharmacy health benefits manager in the world, we actively leverage key learnings and solutions from our global parent company and apply that expertise to meet the specific and unique needs of Canadians.
Health Benefits Solutions
We deliver innovative pharmacy, dental and extended health claims benefits design.
Cost Containment Programs
We create comprehensive programs that aim to reduce costs and improve member experience and health.
Proven technology and sound governance deliver solutions to the private and public sector.
Corporate Office
5770 Hurontario Street, 10th Floor
Mississauga, Ontario L5R 3G5
Phone: (905) 712-8615
Toll-Free: 1 (888) 677-0111
Fax: (905) 712-4341
Regional Office
625 President Kennedy Avenue, 16th Floor
Montreal, Quebec H3A 1K2
Phone: (514) 844-4420
Toll-Free: 1 (866) 844-4420
Fax: (514) 844-4421
Email your questions and comments.
To contact us by email, please complete the form below. Please do not provide any personal or personal health information.
Ideas & Insights
The health benefits landscape is ever evolving and complex. Stay up to date on the latest trends, developments, opportunities and risks with meaningful content.
Express Scripts Canada’s prescription drug trend analysis provides comprehensive, cutting-edge research and insights on the use of prescription medications in the Canadian private sector.